DATA UPLOAD HiddenTITLE Hiddenformcondition TITLE* HiddenChange Content TypeinfrastructurejusticemediarelationssciencespiritarteconomiceducationgovernanceenvironmenthealthrequestitemkeyAdd a Proof form? No Yes A Proof of completion is a request for a photo or video from user once they find the AR content on location.Whats the Secret Code of the Chest? All Quests have chests. The chest can be found at the destination of the task and helps verify that the quester actually made the journeyWhats in the Chest? Give user a preview of what they will find once they arrive at the chest in real life with Civil X in AR mode.AR Only ContentThis is where you reward the user for actually visiting the location. This could be a code, information, files or anything else you can think of.AR Only ImageGive the user a voucher, coupon, ticket or some graphic reward that user is given when they find the chest in AR mode.ImageHiddenData type HiddenAWS Link HiddenAdd A Video Youtube Hiddenauthorid HiddenHook AR ajax image HiddenHook ajax image Details Chat Prompt Ask AISend to Chat GPT hit either radio button to send prompt hit either radio button to send prompt AI AnswerHiddenSub Category Add a keyword or short phrase to help people find this contentChest Secret Code HiddenDescriptionNeedsInstructionsSteps Time Reward Website(https only) This website will over ride the location data with a website of your choice. Only https will work due to mobile security requirements.Associate Your ContentContent Type Request Offer Discovery Secret Code Public (No Code, not secure) Other(Enter a Custom Secret Code) Custom Secret Code Is it an Event? No Yes Event Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Event Time Is there a cost? No Yes Associated CostPaypal Email Address Enter Email Confirm Email Hiddensecret_code HiddenLatitude HiddenLongitude Hiddenyoutube video url × search